Urban Tribe

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

So, did you hear the one about....

There were once three women: an Indian, a Chinese and a Mexican. They were in a single line pushing shopping carts along a fancy condo building in downtown Chicago. When asked what they were doing the Indian woman said: "I'm moving in." The Chinese woman said "I'm helping the Indian woman move in." And the Mexican woman said "I'm hoping to make enough money for a taco!"


At 1:23 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

Wait, I want a retraction. The Chinese woman did NOT say, "I'm helping the Indian woman move in."

She SAID, "I'm moving in with the Indian woman."

Further, the Mexican woman did not say, "I'm hoping to make enough money for a taco."

She SAID, "I'm making them tacos."

I mean, really!


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