Interesting view of the world
this site quickly generates a map of the places you've visited. Apparently I've visited only 15% of the world's countries. :(
create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands
this site quickly generates a map of the places you've visited. Apparently I've visited only 15% of the world's countries. :(
create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands
I've visited 20% of the world's countries!!
I've probably been to 2%, but I'll give you a more scientific number once i creat my own!!
how pathetic, 5%! I need to go to China and Russia so my map can look as impressive as yours!! Even though that will only take me up to like 6% ROFL
Yes - its funny. I've only been to two cities in Russia but it looks like I've covered the entire country! Its MASSIVE! While I've also been to Singapore and that is like a tiny speck.
8%. Fun! :) Hopefully I will get a chance to go to Spain with a very tall, very sweet, very loving man soon. That'd be nice.
Who are you talking about, Carolyn? Have you recently met a very tall, very sweet, very loving man? Does Dave know about him? :)
Brady, what makes you think Dave is not that very tall, very sweet, very loving man? He seems like one to me.
Don't mind him, Brady is just jealous!!
even more pathetic 4 %
The "problem" is that there are LOTS of countries in Africa. They have another map program for the US States. Maybe we can cheer ourselves up with that one.
What do you mean "I've visited only 15% of the world's countries. :(" with the sad face? A lot of people have not gone out of the USA. You should be grateful.
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