Urban Tribe

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Cavern Diving in Chikin-Ha, Mexico

This place is just spectacular. Diving the crystal clear water inside the caverns gives the impression of floating in space. Full photo album soon to come....

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Every day, just one little step :)

I've got a groin pull...I should be back to running by Monday. But it resulted in me skipping a couple runs over the weekend. Which had me bummed for a little bit, but gave me the chance to do a little more work on UrbanEpicurean.com.

So I'm giddy to announce that you can now search Urban Epicurean! Got a ripe tomato? Type "tomato*" in the searchbox and see what you can do with it! Yes, yes, I've still got that old skool wildcard search astrix, but I don't know how to fix it. Manish, any suggestions?

Anyway, check it out. Probably the biggest technical hurdle I've had to wrap my brain around so far with this site. I'm pretty pleased :)