Urban Tribe

Monday, October 30, 2006

Snarf snarf...

*catango posts and flees*

Even as it boasts in advertisements about the relative stability and reliability of its newest computers, the company has quietly acknowledged that an undisclosed number of its best-selling MacBook laptops have a flaw that causes them to inexplicably shut down, potentially causing the loss of important work and damage to other programs.
Full Story

Monday, October 23, 2006

Now that's good marketing!

I usually scan through my junk mailbox to make sure nothing got tossed inadvertently...and one of them caught my eye. The subject line was: "Dinner at Arby's, We're Buying." As a marketer, part of my job involves determining behavioral triggers...what can I offer you to get you one step closer to a transaction?

Apparently, this guy paid big money in testing, and found out that $100 worth of Arby's sandwiches would get people to take his survey. Classic.

Chicago Weather

Check this out, such drama, such expression. This weatherman aspires to be something more.


"A short wave buckle in the jet stream created by a cold pool of air aloft over the Gulf of Alaska will move southeastward over the Canadian Rockies today and be positioned over Montana Tuesday. This cold pool harbors temperatures some 60 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit) at the 30,000-foot jet stream level--readings very similar to the cold pool of air that just passed over Lake Superior and is now moving toward the East Coast. A rather moist low-level southerly flow will return to the southern Plains Tuesday. When the clash occurs Wednesday, the resulting instability (cold air sinking and forcing the warm, moist air aloft) will create a strong low pressure system in the central Plains. This low will track east and north through the Midwest and western Great Lakes with a developing rain pattern that could result in widespread 1-inch-plus rains over a broad portion of the Mississippi and Ohio valleys Wednesday and Thursday. As the cold air aloft becomes vertical with the surface low pressure later in the week over Lower Michigan, the entire system will slow down to a crawl, and cold northwest flow will persist over northern Illinois. "


WTF? Can't you just say it's gonna be cold and rainy like it is every October in Chicago?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

First exam of graduate school

So I had my first exam today and lets just say that I was dead by the time I got out of the classroom. It was as hard as I expected it to be and I am so glad its all over.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I am a popcorn fiend...

And now I know why...

"An appalling example of our mindless approach to eating involved an experiment with tubs of five-day-old popcorn. Moviegoers in a Chicago suburb were given free stale popcorn, some in medium-size buckets, some in large buckets. What was left in the buckets was weighed at the end of the movie. The people with larger buckets ate 53 percent more than people with smaller buckets. And people didn’t eat the popcorn because they liked it, he said. They were driven by hidden persuaders: the distraction of the movie, the sound of other people eating popcorn and the Pavlovian popcorn trigger that is activated when we step into a movie theater."
NYTimes, Seduced by Snacks

Monday, October 16, 2006

Who could this be? Who could this be???

I wonder I wonder....

Here's Vivi!

Originally uploaded by carolyn8.
She's tiny, but very affectionate. Purrs CONSTANTLY. She still has some stray tendencies, i.e., she doesn't like to be touched when she's eating and she eats everything in front of her very quickly (strays don't know when they're eating next, so they never pass anything up), and spent a full five minutes drinking water last night. (Hard to find clean water when you're a stray). Other than that, she's got a makeshift litter box in her safe room (my den), has not attempted to scratch anything (will prob get her declawed though, not sure).

Read more about her strange entry into my life here: Rogue Trixie

Thursday, October 12, 2006


"You Can Date Now, Meet Later
Skype, an Internet phone service, lets singles hook up all over the world for free. Using webcams, some even watch each other sleep."
Chicago Tribune Article

Monday, October 09, 2006

Is it...

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's Michelle the Great!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Found it!!!

I found my beloved mini...I had forgotten that I switched bags earlier this week, and it was hidden in a deep pocket.

Color me relieved! :)

Last Thoughts…

Last Thoughts…
Originally uploaded by jurvetson.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I finally remembered!!!!

OK, so this is a place I went to once years ago after serving as mistress of ceremonies at some Univision event in Little Village. Having said that, it's NOT Mexican, it's an Italian restaurant from what used to be the italian neighborhood there once upon a time. Menus change but here's a link that I found to the most recent one...they even have specific dishes that can go either veggie or meat! the food is outstanding and for the life of me I could never remember exactly where it was or what the name was whenever I wanted to suggest it. Well today, as I was on my way to the CFD event I passed it!!! Il Vicinato on Western and 24th. WE ABSOLUTELY MUST GO!!


Il Vicinato

2435 S. Western Ave.

One of several authentic Italian restaurants in the area just 15 minutes southwest of the Loop, Il Vicinato is the place to go if you like to eat till you explode. This restaurant offers delicious pasta dishes with Bolognese sauce, tremendous salads, and huge meat selections. The checkered tablecloth and the pine-paneled walls transport diners from the city of Chicago to somewhere in Northern Italy.

Hours: 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday; closed Sunday

Check it out :)

Check it out, my first published article related to my actual profession :)


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Jimmy Johns: Nuts...

From: Carolyn
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 1:24 PM
To: jimmyjohn@jimmyjohns.com
Subject: JJ Lover Relocated to Thailand

Hello there!

A good friend of mine is a JJs fanatic. He lived, breathed, adored the #1. Unfortunately, business has taken him out of Chicago, away from his beloved ham and cheese, and transplanted him to Bangkok. He has been living out there for about 8 months now. As it is, he is getting married this January in Thailand. When I asked what I could bring the newlywed couple from home, he said, “A JJs #1 and a jar of dill pickles.” (His wife, a Northwestern alum, is the pickle fan. Apparently they don’t have dill pickles out that way either.)

So I will need to find some way to courier the #1 out to Thailand. Would you have any suggestions?

Your time and advice is greatly appreciated!



Response: 3 hours later

Sorry, but I don't suggest sending this product overseas. I wouldn't want someone to eat a spoiled sandwich.

Thanks for writing.



Monday, October 02, 2006

My Horoscope for Today

Too funny not to share, especially given the recent debut on Match.com, hahahaha....

Lusty Venus has you hopping in the sack over and over again. You're turning into a total bed bunny. You'll have sex on the brain 24 hours a day. To satisfy your gargantuan urges, you might have to schedule visits with multiple partners.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Carolyn Crosses Finish Line!
